Sunstein LLP has been ranked as a top trademark law firm by the 2021 World Trademark Review 1000 (WTR 1000) and three partners received individual recognition as the World’s Leading Trademark Professionals.
WTR 1000 is the only definitive guide exclusively dedicated to identifying the world’s leading trademark legal services providers. Through an extensive research process conducted by a team of highly qualified, full-time analysts, the publication identifies the leading trademark law firms and individuals in over 80 jurisdictions globally.
“Sunstein is admired for its efficiency and commercial acumen; using proprietary workflow software and other technologies, the team handles prosecution, policing and enforcement assignments with minimum fuss, freeing up time that senior practice leaders Steve Abreu, Kerry Timbers, and Lisa Tittemore invest in understanding and addressing clients,” noted WTR 1000.
To determine honors for each category, the World Trademark Review interviews and exchanges correspondence over a four-month period with hundreds of lawyers, attorneys and their clients. To view the full guide, click here.
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