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  1. Congress May Restore Copyright Protection to Public Domain Foreign Works Despite First Amendment Concerns
  2. Bratz Beats Barbie: Appeals Court Reverses Jury Verdict and Rejects Constructive Trust
  3. The Federal Circuit Boots Another Patent Case Out of Texas, and Sends a Message
  4. Bilski v. Kappos: The Supreme Court Strikes a Blow for Inventors
  5. Silence is Deadly: The Peril of Inaction After Calling Someone an Infringer
  6. Should “Generic” Domain Names Be Registerable as Trademarks?
  7. Strategic Implications for Pharmaceuticals in Recent U.S. Patent Law Developments
  8. What Kind of Patent Portfolios Will Matter to Life Science Companies in the Next Five Years
  9. Going Once, Going Twice: Tiffany Makes Another Bid to Restrict Auctions of Counterfeit Jewelry on eBay
  10. Overzealous Trade-Secret Plaintiff Gets His Just Desserts
  11. Federal Judge Would Invalidate All DNA Patents, But His Rationale Is Controversial
  12. Can Ignorance Be a Defense? The Evolving Law of Inducement of Patent Infringement

Knowledge Charts

  • Flowchart for determining when U.S. Copyrights in fixed works expire View flowchart
  • Inter Partes Review flowchart charting key dates and milestones View flowchart

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