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  1. Federal Circuit Averts Huge Disruption to the Patent System by Fashioning a Cure to the Status of Administrative Judges
  2. Facial Recognition: A Clear View to Dystopia
  3. Court’s Strict Interpretation of Timing Requirement May Force Patent Validity Challenges in Two Forums
  4. Virus-Related Legislation Extends Patent and Trademark Deadlines
  5. Upgrade of Appeal Board Decisions Sought to Help Patent Medical Innovations
  6. Does the Defense Production Act Provide a Safe Harbor Against Infringement Claims?
  7. Fresh is Best and Stale Will Fail: The PTAB Explains Its Logic in Refusing to Institute an IPR
  8. Supreme Court Allows States to Plunder Copyrighted Videos
  9. Federal Circuit Astonishingly Invalidates Manufacturing Method Patent under Section 101
  10. U.S. Navy is no [Software] Pirate Despite Making 430,000 Extra Copies
  11. Exploitation of Publicly Available Website Data May be Unstoppable
  12. California Leads the Nation in Privacy Protection, But To Where?

Knowledge Charts

  • Flowchart for determining when U.S. Copyrights in fixed works expire View flowchart
  • Inter Partes Review flowchart charting key dates and milestones View flowchart

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