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  1. When a State University is a Reluctant Plaintiff, Can Its Licensee Sue Anyway?
  2. FanDuel Learns the Hard Way: An IPR Challenge to Any Patent Claim May be Lost if Not Comprehensive and Rigorous Enough
  3. Scraping Too Much Website Data May Be Trade Secret Misappropriation
  4. Businesses Beware: Don’t Restrain Former Employees by Exaggerating Your Trade Secret Claims
  5. No License, No Chips: Qualcomm’s Controversial Licensing Strategy Is Not an Antitrust Violation
  6. Activision Wins the (Trademark) War: First Amendment Protects Depiction of Humvees in Realistic Video Games
  7. Supreme Court Denies Copyright Enforcement to State Legislature
  8. 3M Strikes Against N95 Mask Price Gouging
  9. Trademark Infringement Remedies Just Got Snappier? United States Supreme Court Says Proving Willfulness Is Not Required For Recovering an Infringer’s Profits
  10. Or Forever Hold Your Peace: Supreme Court Ruling Will Spur Early Efforts to Sway PTAB as to Timeliness of IPR Petitions
  11. AI Machine is Denied Patent
  12. Back to Work: The Use of Contact Tracing Technology to Improve Worker Safety

Knowledge Charts

  • Flowchart for determining when U.S. Copyrights in fixed works expire View flowchart
  • Inter Partes Review flowchart charting key dates and milestones View flowchart

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