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  1. Warhol, Prince, and a Continued Narrowing of Copyright’s Fair Use Doctrine

  2. Privacy in the Cellphone Era: The Supreme Court Opens the Door to Automated Text Messages

  3. Google v. Oracle: Supreme Court Holds Copying of Key Part of Java Software, its API, is Fair Use

  4. “We’re Here to Help.” Government’s Ideal Role in Sparking Medical Advances?

  5. Federal Circuit Reverses US Navy’s Short-Lived Avoidance of Software Piracy Claim

  6. Brexit Trademark Update
  7. Trademark Lesson Ripped from the Headlines: Trump Team Books the Wrong Four Seasons
  8. The Supreme Court Ponders These Questions in Google v. Oracle: Is the Sky Falling? Is JAVA like the QWERTY Keyboard?
  9. YouTube’s Copyright Policy: Pitfalls Aplenty for Video Creators
  10. The Department of Justice Takes on the IEEE
  11. The Ongoing Saga of American Axle and Patent Eligibility
  12. The EU-US Privacy Shield is Invalid: Facebook May Be Only the First Casualty

Knowledge Charts

  • Flowchart for determining when U.S. Copyrights in fixed works expire View flowchart
  • Inter Partes Review flowchart charting key dates and milestones View flowchart

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