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  1. Artwork Created by Artificial Intelligence (AI) Not Eligible for Copyright

  2. Cyber-criminals Beware: Governmental Surveillance of Suspects Does Not Always Require a Warrant
  3. It’s Forever: R&B Group’s Trademark Contested by Rival Singers in Both TTAB and Federal Court
  4. Federal Circuit Jumps to Step Two To Rescue Authentication Patent

  5. The EU’s New Privacy Rules: The Promise and Peril for US Data Processors
  6. The Estate of Henrietta Lacks Sues Thermo Fisher Scientific

  7. A Procedural Bias Favors Patent Owners in IPRs

  8. What is a COVID-19 Vaccine Intellectual Property Waiver?

  9. Will NFTs revolutionize patent law?

  10. Supreme Court Finds Constitutional Violation in Patent Challenges, But Provides Quick Fix

  11. The European Commission Publishes Comprehensive Contractual Clauses For Use in Data Transfers from Europe

  12. NFTs – A Novel Challenge For Traders, Investors and Copyright Lawyers

Knowledge Charts

  • Flowchart for determining when U.S. Copyrights in fixed works expire View flowchart
  • Inter Partes Review flowchart charting key dates and milestones View flowchart

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