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  1. Wind Turbine Patents Extend to Outer Continental Shelf

  2. To Avoid the On-Sale Bar, Patent Applicant’s “Experimental Use” Should be Unmistakable

  3. The “Luxury” of Trademark Protection Crosses an Unknown Frontier
  4. THE Biggest Collegiate Trademark News This Year: How Ohio State University Trademarked THE

  5. Protecting IP in the Face of Russia Sanctions

  6. Uncertainty Clouds Attys' Strategies For Pursuing IP In Russia
  7. Client Alert: Intellectual Property in Russia
  8. New Restrictions on Exports to Russia: US Technology Embedded in Products Made Overseas
  9. For Those Challenging a Patent’s Validity in an IPR, New Clarity on Which Arguments Can Later be Litigated in Court

  10. Two Federal Circuit Decisions Show Why Forum-Selection Clauses Require Clarity

  11. It’s Not Complicated: Make Sure the Technical Expert You Retain to Testify About Infringement Has Credentials That Match the Level of Skill Required by the Court
  12. “Everybody Makes Mistakes”- A Forgiving Approach by the Supreme Court Changes Copyright Law

Knowledge Charts

  • Flowchart for determining when U.S. Copyrights in fixed works expire View flowchart
  • Inter Partes Review flowchart charting key dates and milestones View flowchart

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