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  1. Generically Speaking
  2. Patent Portfolio Management and Technical Standard Setting: How to Avoid Loss of Patent Rights
  3. Drafting Patent Applications After Festo and Johnson & Johnston
  4. Shelby and Ford Take Aim at Counterfeiters
  5. Fair Use: The Electronic Frontier Foundation Jumps into the Movie Studios’ Fight with SONICBlue
  6. Don’t Trade Your Rights Away
  7. Global Trademark Protection for Biotech and Life Science Companies: What It Takes to Get through the Trademark Thicket
  8. Jurisdiction and Contract Formation
  9. Managing Patent and Trade Secret Assets
  10. When Is It Safe to Tout Technology? Avoiding Unintended Patent Consequences Resulting from Premature Announcements
  11. Recent Federal Case Undermines Multi-Filing Patent Strategies: A Routine Foreign Filing Trips Up a Patent Holder
  12. Web Incubators: Formation, Funding and Operations

Knowledge Charts

  • Flowchart for determining when U.S. Copyrights in fixed works expire View flowchart
  • Inter Partes Review flowchart charting key dates and milestones View flowchart

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