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  1. Competitive Intelligence in Patent Portfolio Building
  2. Guarding the Goods
  3. SCO vs. The Linux World … What’s a Linux User to Do?
  4. Reexamining Patent Litigation
  5. An Assessment of the New European Community Design Law
  6. Reducing Corporate Managers’ Risk of Personal Liability for Patent Infringement by Relying on Opinion of Counsel
  7. Effect of European Union Enlargement on Community Trademark Law
  8. IP Due Diligence and the Value Proposition: Developing and Evaluating BioPharma IP Portfolios for Strategic Investment Benefits
  9. Winning at Patents Without Full-Blown Litigation
  10. Patent tactics against generic drugs draw scrutiny
  11. The Death of Intellectual Property Holding Companies?: Massachusetts Joins a Growing Number of States Eliminating the State Tax Advantages of IPHCS
  12. Building a Patent Portfolio for Strategic Advantage

Knowledge Charts

  • Flowchart for determining when U.S. Copyrights in fixed works expire View flowchart
  • Inter Partes Review flowchart charting key dates and milestones View flowchart

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