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  1. What’s This Case Worth?
  2. Patents: Billions Riding on a Word
  3. Copyright Litigation: Strategic Opportunities for Settlement
  4. Making Words Mean Just What We Choose Them to Mean: Patent Claim Interpretation in Light of Phillips v. AWH
  5. Harmonizing Standards for District Court and PTAB Claim Construction
  6. Reexamination: The Tail that Wags the Dog
  7. When Lost Profits Are Lost: Damages in Patent Assertion on Litigation with an IP Holding Company
  8. Add Inter Partes Re-Examination to Your Patent Infringement Defense
  9. One Stop Trademark Registration under the Madrid Protocol
  10. The ‘Artistic Relevance Test’ Just Became Relevant: The Increasing Strength of the First Amendment as a Defense to Trademark Infringement and Dilution
  11. SCO v. IBM: Does the Copyright Act Pre-empt The GPL?
  12. Investor Relations Meets Intellectual Property

Knowledge Charts

  • Flowchart for determining when U.S. Copyrights in fixed works expire View flowchart
  • Inter Partes Review flowchart charting key dates and milestones View flowchart

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