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  1. Amgen v. International Trade Commission: FDA-Related Safe Harbor for Importation Applies to Process Patents, Not Just Product Patents
  2. Hall Street Associates: Arbitration Results Are Final Despite Erroneous Legal Analysis
  3. Quick Success With Accelerated Patent Examination
  4. Although on Hold for Now, Rule Changes May Yet Transform Patent Protection
  5. False Advertising Damages – ‘No Harm No Foul’ … Think Again
  6. Year in Review: Trademarks in 2007
  7. Patent Preparation and Prosecution under Uncertain Patent Eligibility Standards
  8. Patentable Subject Matter and the Supreme Court: What’s the Matter?
  9. Building and Maintaining BioPharma Patent Portfolios After KSR v. Teleflex: Strategies Addressing Higher Standards for Patentability
  10. New PTO Claims and Continuation Practice: Working with the Rules
  11. Sweeping Changes to the Patent Rules Require New Strategies
  12. Checklist: When does a patent expire?

Knowledge Charts

  • Flowchart for determining when U.S. Copyrights in fixed works expire View flowchart
  • Inter Partes Review flowchart charting key dates and milestones View flowchart

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