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  1. New Procedures May Lure More Patent Lawsuits to Massachusetts
  2. Method Claims Can Be Reformed to Avoid Patentability Problems
  3. U. S. Antitrust Limitations on Patent Licensing
  4. Federal Circuit Narrows Eligibility Requirements for Business Method Patents
  5. Inter Partes Reexamination Digs a Patent Graveyard
  6. “In Ex Parte Reexamination, Challenger to a Patent’s Validity Can Recycle Arguments That Failed at Trial,”
  7. The Pro IP Act: Getting Tough With Traffickers of Counterfeit Goods
  8. What a Shame: When Artist and Museum Fight, No One Wins
  9. It Doesn’t Take Much: Familiarity With a Competitor’s Trade Secrets Can Doom Your Reverse Engineering Project to Legal Limbo,
  10. Immunity from Infringement For Use in Clinical Testing
  11. PTO Lobs National Security Salvo at Outsourcing the Preparation of US Patent Applications
  12. A Voyage to Mars: A Patent Is Licensed to A Subsidiary, And All Is Lost

Knowledge Charts

  • Flowchart for determining when U.S. Copyrights in fixed works expire View flowchart
  • Inter Partes Review flowchart charting key dates and milestones View flowchart

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