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  1. Experimental Use – A Fragile Shield Against the One-Year Deadline for Filing Your Patent Application
  2. Federal Judge: The Bell Tolls for Business Method Patents
  3. What Can I Say: Leeway and Legal Limits in Commercial Speech A Primer on Defamation, Commercial Disparagement and False Advertising
  4. RA - “Inter Partes Reexamination Statistics Trend Heavily Against Patent Owners,”
  5. Compensation for Employee Inventions: A Novel Twist in the UK
  6. Federal Circuit’s Validation of PTO Rules May Prove Unsettling to Inventors
  7. Don’t Just Give it Away: Unless a Product is Sold, European Law Recognizes No Genuine Trademark Use
  8. Clickwrap License Thwarts Hackintosh Bid to Force its Way into Apple
  9. Federal Preemption Has Its Limits: State law Governs Theft of Trade Secrets Even When a Patent is Involved
  10. Patent Portfolio Strategies in the Post-KSR Environment
  11. Has STARBUCKS Been Diluted? The Ongoing Effort to Protect Famous Marks
  12. Reverse Payments’ Pass Another Test: Federal Circuit Adopts Rule of Reason

Knowledge Charts

  • Flowchart for determining when U.S. Copyrights in fixed works expire View flowchart
  • Inter Partes Review flowchart charting key dates and milestones View flowchart

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