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  1. Baseball Manager Sues Social Networking Site: Don’t Twitter, Tweet, or Otherwise Cheat Me
  2. Patent Pools May be Cool, But Drowning Competitive Technologies is Not
  3. European Developments: Trademark Rights Strengthened
  4. European Developments: Copyright Term Extended
  5. Trade Show Exhibit Subjects Foreign Businessman to Federal Jurisdiction
  6. Where Have I Seen THAT Before? Court Says Plagiarism Detector Makes Fair Use of Students’ Copyrighted Term Papers
  7. Related Applications, Separately Owned, Create Double-Patenting Hazard
  8. Other Pirates in the News: Copyright Infringers in Sweden Head for the Brig
  9. Middle Earth, Not Middle Ground: Minnesota Weighs in on Insurance Coverage of Trademark Infringement
  10. A First Amendment Right to Peter and the Wolf? Restoration of Copyright for Works of Foreign Authors in Doubt
  11. After Quanta, Lower Courts Expand the Patent Exhaustion Doctrine
  12. Keyword Advertising: Small Victory for Trademark Owner Will Not Slow Search Engine Juggernaut

Knowledge Charts

  • Flowchart for determining when U.S. Copyrights in fixed works expire View flowchart
  • Inter Partes Review flowchart charting key dates and milestones View flowchart

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