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  1. When Uncle Sam Wants Your Invention
  2. PTO Aims in a New Direction: Pulls Dreaded Prosecution Rules; Seeks Improved Quality of Its Services
  3. The FDA Approves an ANDA Despite An Appeals Court Stay, And Another Appeals Court Approves
  4. Federal Circuit Holds Litigants to Strict Evidentiary Standards in Proving Patent Infringement Damages
  5. Arrogance or Recklessness? Microsoft Faces a Hefty Judgment and a Permanent Injunction for Willful Infringement
  6. All Inventors Aboard on Your International Patent Application? Benefits of Early Filing Depend on Complete Ownership of Rights
  7. The UPC Code: A New Frontier for Trademark Infringement?
  8. Department of Justice Takes Aggressive View of “Pay for Delay” Settlements with Generic Drug Manufacturers
  9. Polar Opposites: A High Tech Non-Compete Exposes Legal Conflict Between Massachusetts and California
  10. Federal Circuit Finally Dispels Uncertainty Over the Scope of Product-By-Process Claims
  11. Federal “Good Samaritan” Statute Protects Seller of Software That Blocks Adware and Spyware
  12. Adventure on the Appellation Trail: Joseph Abboud Gives Away His Name, Yet May Get to Use it Anyway

Knowledge Charts

  • Flowchart for determining when U.S. Copyrights in fixed works expire View flowchart
  • Inter Partes Review flowchart charting key dates and milestones View flowchart

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