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  1. “Best Mode” of the Whole Invention Must Be Described
  2. Museum Conflict Clarifies Rights of Artists
  3. Federal Circuit Stamps Out Feud Between Postal Service and Sculptor
  4. Recent State Law Developments in Intellectual Property
  5. Pay for Delay” Settlements: The FTC ‘s 2010 Annual Report
  6. “Ongoing Royalties” for Post-Verdict Patent Infringement
  7. Apple Strikes Back Against the Clones: Injunction Stops Sale of Third-Party Computers Running Mac OS X
  8. Patents on the Fringe
  9. Judge Urges – No, Implores — Congress to Amend the Copyright Act: When Might Sharing Digital Music Be Fair Use?
  10. Google Book Project Tries to Placate the Critics: Will It Be Enough?
  11. The Controversy Over “Ongoing Royalty” Awards in the Evolving Landscape of Remedies for Patent Infringement
  12. Tax Treatment of Infringement Damages: Plan Ahead to Improve Your Results

Knowledge Charts

  • Flowchart for determining when U.S. Copyrights in fixed works expire View flowchart
  • Inter Partes Review flowchart charting key dates and milestones View flowchart

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