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  1. With Supreme Court Deadlock, Cloud Lingers Over Gray Market Goods
  2. Supreme Court Will Tackle Interplay of University and Inventor Patent Rights
  3. The DMCA De-Fanged: Why Software Developers Need to Register Their Software With the Copyright Office
  4. Five-lecture series at Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
  5. The Federal Circuit Hems in the Patent Misuse Doctrine, Making Patent Pooling Safer
  6. Updated Guidelines on What Is “Obvious” Reflect an Updated PTO
  7. Software Makers, Take Note: Court Defines “Circumvention” Downward
  8. Copyright Decision Deals Crippling Blow to Infringer: Decorative Furniture Not Merely Functional
  9. When Does an “Offer for Sale” Made in Another Country Result in Infringement of a U.S. Patent?
  10. Bimbo Knows the Muffin Man . . . and Teaches Him a Lesson in Trade Secrets
  11. The Federal Circuit Boots Another Patent Case Out of Texas, and Sends a Message
  12. Who’s Holding the Bag? When a Website Sells Infringing Articles, Credit Card Companies May Face Liability

Knowledge Charts

  • Flowchart for determining when U.S. Copyrights in fixed works expire View flowchart
  • Inter Partes Review flowchart charting key dates and milestones View flowchart

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