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  1. Disembodied Embodiments: Medical Device Strategy for PCT and Foreign Applications
  2. Federal Circuit Moves Claim Construction One Step Closer to Uniformity
  3. False-Marking Cases Might Soon be Extinct
  4. Change Is in the Air: Be Ready for a First-To-File Patent System
  5. One Hand Taketh Away, the Other Giveth: For Method Claims, It’s Tough to Prove Joint Infringement, But for System Claims, It’s Easier
  6. New Copyright Law Touches on Publication and Recordkeeping Issues
  7. Unused Capabilities of a Product Can Infringe Well Written Patent Claims
  8. 25% Rule is Drawn and Quartered: Court Rejects Popular Method for Computing Patent Infringement Damages
  9. Double Your Patents, Double Your Trouble? A Departure in Double-Patenting Law
  10. Joint Patent Infringement Is Now Even Harder to Prove
  11. The DMCA Re-Fanged: Courts Now At Odds Over Copyright Protection for Software Security Devices
  12. Business Method Claims after Bilski: The Federal Circuit Weighs in on Abstractness

Knowledge Charts

  • Flowchart for determining when U.S. Copyrights in fixed works expire View flowchart
  • Inter Partes Review flowchart charting key dates and milestones View flowchart

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