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  1. Supreme Court Invalidates Diagnostic Claims; Its Reasoning Promises Broad Implications
  2. Inter Partes Review: The New Markman Hearing?
  3. The Standard for Invalidating a Patent for Obviousness? Still a Work in Progress
  4. Sentences of Pirate Bay Founders Are Confirmed, But They May Avoid the Brig
  5. The Standard for Invalidating a Patent for Obviousness? Still a Work in Progress
  6. Starbucks Absorbs Another Loss in Its Long Trademark Battle with Charbucks
  7. To Russia With Love: Supreme Court Upholds Restoration of Copyright in Works of Russian Authors and Composers (And Many Others)
  8. Not the Cadillac of Trade Secrets, But Still Deserving of Protection
  9. Court Raises the Heat on Patentee Who Persisted with Baseless Infringement Suit
  10. Navigating the Shoals of Copyright Termination
  11. When Trade Secrets Are Stolen Overseas, Can the Thief Compete in the U.S.?
  12. Sure as Shootin’, If It’s Claimed in Your Patent, You Can’t Assert It as a Trade Secret

Knowledge Charts

  • Flowchart for determining when U.S. Copyrights in fixed works expire View flowchart
  • Inter Partes Review flowchart charting key dates and milestones View flowchart

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