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  1. Litigator’s Perspective: Appellate Judge Stoops to Try a Smartphone Case and Turns Patent Litigation on Its Ear
  2. Discomfort Grows as Patent Reexamination Once Again Trumps Court Decision
  3. Hot Topics in Trademark Law: Trademark Rights in A Global Economy – Protection and Enforcement of Well-Known and Famous Marks
  4. Trademark Rights in a Global Economy: Protection and Enforcement of Famous and Well-Known Marks
  5. Crazy In Love With Trademarks: What Can Jay-Z and Beyoncé Teach Us About Trademark Filing?
  6. Claim Construction on the Verge of Transformation: The Disruptive Promise of Inter Partes Review
  7. The Inventor’s Burden: Teach Your Best Mode Lest Your Patent be Invalidated
  8. Federal Circuit Thumps Means-Plus-Function Computer Claims Again — But Not Without Dissent
  9. Why due diligence is not a rear guard action for the patent-savvy company in a patent deal
  10. Strategies for Pharmaceutical Portfolio & Product Life-Cycle Management In Face of the New U.S. Patent Law
  11. Pharmaceutical Companies Take Heed — Compulsory Patent License Is Awarded in India
  12. Overseas Infringement by A Government Contractor: Who, if Anyone, is Liable?

Knowledge Charts

  • Flowchart for determining when U.S. Copyrights in fixed works expire View flowchart
  • Inter Partes Review flowchart charting key dates and milestones View flowchart

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