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  1. Oldies and Broadcasters: No Longer Happy Together?
  2. Surviving the Judicial War on Patents: Strategies after Alice and Ultramercial
  3. The Supreme Court Bans Aereo’s Service: An Odd Decision With an Odd Rationale
  4. Yet Again, the Supreme Court Narrows Patent Eligibility, This Time Targeting Computer-Related Inventions
  5. Supreme Court Rejects Inducement Liability Where There’s No Direct Infringer
  6. What is Happening to Patent Eligibility and What Can We Do About It?
  7. Trademark Falsely Suggesting Connection to a Native American People is Denied Registration
  8. Can a Foreign Bankruptcy Upset the License Of a U.S. Patent? A Court of Appeals Says “No”
  9. How Will the Supreme Court Decide the Aereo Case?
  10. Can Amendments Made in Patent Prosecution Give Rise to Judicial Estoppel?
  11. New Obstacles Are Raised to Protecting Computer-Related Inventions
  12. Fresh Guidance for Owners of Standard-Essential Patents: Reasonable Royalties Can Be Expected; So Can Penalties if You Overreach

Knowledge Charts

  • Flowchart for determining when U.S. Copyrights in fixed works expire View flowchart
  • Inter Partes Review flowchart charting key dates and milestones View flowchart

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