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  1. May Sellers of Patented Products Retain Rights after a Sale?
  2. How Should the PTO Interpret Patent Claims? The Federal Circuit Weighs In, Yet Again
  3. Google Books Project Continues to Test the Boundaries of Fair Use Law
  4. The EU Reveres Data Privacy, the US Puts National Security First, and US Businesses are Caught in the Middle
  5. Preventing Importation of Your Patented Goods: Guidance on What the ITC Can and Can’t Do for Patent Owners
  6. Issues Resolved in an Administrative Trademark Proceeding May Bind Federal Courts in Subsequent Infringement Actions
  7. Recent (and Anticipated) Developments in the International Application of US Patent Laws
  8. How Prometheus Has Upended Patent Eligibility: An Anatomy of Alice Corporation Proprietary Limited v. CLS Bank International
  9. Briefings from the Trademark Universe
  10. Sour Grapes: When Can a Thief Spoil an Inventor’s Right to a Patent?
  11. DDR Holdings: The Federal Circuit Leaves a Software Patent Standing
  12. How Broadly Should Patent Claims Be Construed in Inter Partes Reviews? The Federal Circuit Enters the Debate

Knowledge Charts

  • Flowchart for determining when U.S. Copyrights in fixed works expire View flowchart
  • Inter Partes Review flowchart charting key dates and milestones View flowchart

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