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  1. The Sale of a Patented Product Now Exhausts All U.S. Patent Rights
  2. Why China Should Top Your List of Countries for Foreign Patent Filing
  3. Settlement Agreements Can Provide a Yardstick for Measuring Damages in Subsequent Patent Infringement Lawsuits
  4. Functional Software’s Limited Copyright Coverage: Jury Finds Google’s Limited Use of Oracle’s Java™ Code Was Fair
  5. The On-Sale Bar Remains A Mighty Obstacle to Patentability, Even If The Sale Involves No Public Disclosure of the Invention
  6. Supreme Court Reduces Risk to Patent Owners Who Are Slow to Bring a Patent Infringement Lawsuit
  7. Give Me a ©! Supreme Court Examines Cheerleader Uniforms and Gives Designers a Means to Protect Their Creations
  8. “Anyone Could’ve Come Up with That Invention.” Oh, Really. Prove It!
  9. A Joke So Funny Louis Vuitton Forgot to Laugh – The Danger of Suing Over a Parody
  10. Non-Infringing Parties May Be Able to Challenge a Patent in an IPR, but Not Appeal the Result
  11. Plenty of IP Decisions Expected From the Supreme Court This Year
  12. Challenging a Competitor’s Patent in the Patent Office: Great When it Works, but Failure Increases the Risk of a Court-Issued Injunction

Knowledge Charts

  • Flowchart for determining when U.S. Copyrights in fixed works expire View flowchart
  • Inter Partes Review flowchart charting key dates and milestones View flowchart

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