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  1. Disclaimer Tactic Averts Facebook’s Patent Challenge
  2. Smoothing the Way for Appellate Success in the PTAB
  3. Rehearing Wins Institution of Inter Partes Review
  4. Federal Circuit Delivers Billion-Dollar Lesson on Written Description
  5. Patent Office Cracks Down On Repetitive Validity Challenges
  6. A Patent License Conundrum: Is the Definition of “Valid Claim” Subject to Arbitration?
  7. Federal Circuit Is Finding More Inventions Patent-Eligible Despite Supreme Court’s Rigid Standard
  8. Federal Circuit Tells Patent Office: Rejecting Claims for Obviousness Must Be Better Supported
  9. Corporations Cannot Be Sued for Patent Infringement in a Judicial District Simply Because Their Employees Happen to Work from Home There
  10. IP Decisions Expected from the Supreme Court This Year
  11. The Federal Circuit Limits the Scope of Covered Business Method Proceedings
  12. States Are Cracking Down on Cybersecurity Laggards

Knowledge Charts

  • Flowchart for determining when U.S. Copyrights in fixed works expire View flowchart
  • Inter Partes Review flowchart charting key dates and milestones View flowchart

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