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  1. The Supreme Court Changes the Rules for IPRs: The Implications for Partial Denials, Indefinite Claims and Redundant Grounds
  2. Law Enforcement in the Cloud; The U.S. Storms in and Europe Follows
  3. Justice Delayed? Here’s Why Inter Partes Reexamination has been Replaced by Inter Partes Review
  4. Cox Communications Makes Its Mark as the First Major Cable Provider To Lose its DMCA Immunity from Copyright Infringement
  5. Divided Patent Infringement: The Federal Circuit Doubles Down on a New Standard
  6. For Want of an Immediate Assignment of Patent Interests, Enforcement Rights Were Lost
  7. The Federal Circuit Continues to Uphold Some Software Patents Despite Alice
  8. The First Circuit Allows a Chapter 11 Debtor to Terminate A Trademark License
  9. The New Tax Bill and Its Effect on Inventors: A Capital Result
  10. Litigate Your Trademark Rights With Care, No Matter what Forum You’re In
  11. Three New Federal Circuit Decisions Support Software Patents
  12. New Local Rule May Speed Up Patent Cases and Attract More Litigation to Massachusetts

Knowledge Charts

  • Flowchart for determining when U.S. Copyrights in fixed works expire View flowchart
  • Inter Partes Review flowchart charting key dates and milestones View flowchart

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