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  1. Massachusetts Trade Secret Protections Are About to Resemble Everyone Else’s. That Brings Changes that Businesses Should Know About.
  2. Revisions to Bayh-Dole Act Regulations Governing Rights to Federally Funded Inventions
  3. Section 101 Gains a Toehold in IPRs
  4. In Limited Circumstances, the Supreme Court Permits Businesses to Recover Patent Damages for Sales Made Outside the U.S.
  5. Study Demonstrates Positive Economic Impact of Trademark Filing
  6. In Limited Circumstances, the Supreme Court Permits Businesses to Recover Patent Damages for Sales Made Outside the U.S.
  7. New Guidance for Patenting Method-of-Treatment Inventions
  8. So You Thought the GDPR Was Fun? Wait Till you See What California Has In Store
  9. The Right to Try Act: A New Avenue for Use of Experimental Drugs
  10. PTAB Proceedings Becoming More Indefinite
  11. Copying Complex APIs is Not Fair Use: The Federal Circuit Turns the Software World on its Ear
  12. Lessons for BioPharma from Recent Federal Circuit Decisions on Patent Eligibility

Knowledge Charts

  • Flowchart for determining when U.S. Copyrights in fixed works expire View flowchart
  • Inter Partes Review flowchart charting key dates and milestones View flowchart

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