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  1. Secret Sales Trigger the On-Sale Bar under the Patent Statute, Says the Supreme Court
  2. Once Again, the Federal Circuit Strikes Down Claims Directed to a Diagnostic Method
  3. Not All Litigation Expenses Are Recoverable Under the Copyright Act
  4. Copyright Owners Must Wait to File Infringement Claims
  5. Big Changes to Canada’s Trademark Laws
  6. Digital Resale: Where New Technology Stumbles Over Old Law
  7. Restricting Keyword Advertising Can be Anticompetitive, holds the FTC
  8. PTO Director Iancu Launches Bold Initiative to Resolve Uncertainty in Patent Eligibility Determinations
  9. New Guidelines Proposed for Functional Claiming in Computer-Related Inventions
  10. The Federal Circuit Refines the Post-Alice Landscape, Holding Spreadsheet Tabs Patent-Eligible
  11. Congress Freshens Up Music Copyright Law for the Digital Age
  12. Non-Competition Agreements: Massachusetts Meets California Halfway

Knowledge Charts

  • Flowchart for determining when U.S. Copyrights in fixed works expire View flowchart
  • Inter Partes Review flowchart charting key dates and milestones View flowchart

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