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  1. FTC Unfriends Facebook But Wants to Stay in Touch
  2. Federal Circuit Asks Congress to Override Supreme Court's Denial of Patents for Diagnostics
  3. Twenty Years Under the Microscope: A Small Business, a Data Breach and the FTC
  4. Humvee Goes Into Battle: Will Its Trademarks Leave Tread Marks on Video Game Makers?
  5. Beware: Run-of-the-Mill Forum Selection Clause Could Thwart Patent Challenges
  6. State Universities Are Not Immune From Challenges to Their Patents at the USPTO
  7. Bipartisan Legislation Develops to Remove Supreme Court Roadblocks to Biotechnology and Computer Science Patents
  8. The California Consumer Privacy Act: More Relevant Than You Think
  9. Amazon Enters the Fray of Intellectual Property Disputes
  10. Brewing Up a Controversy: Super Bowl Ad Provokes Clash Between Two Beer Industry Juggernauts
  11. IP Considerations For Distinctive Moves and Other Content in Video Games
  12. Europe’s One-Stop Shop for Privacy Regulation: For EU Companies Only?

Knowledge Charts

  • Flowchart for determining when U.S. Copyrights in fixed works expire View flowchart
  • Inter Partes Review flowchart charting key dates and milestones View flowchart

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